Previous Articles by Meehan and Starkey Jonker

Previous Articles by Meehan and Starkey Jonker

How to Be a Better Nonprofit Board Member

Suggestions for applying the fundamentals of corporate governance to charitable organizations.

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The Rise of Social Capital Market Intermediaries

Donors and grantmakers are allocating money more efficiently, thanks to the emergence of information and funding intermediaries.

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In the Black with BRAC

A case study of BRAC, widely considered to be the largest NGO in the world.

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Curbing Mission Creep

A profile of the Rural Development Institute (now known as Landesa), an organization that remained single-mindedly devoted to its mission.

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The Ratings Game

An evaluation of three organizations—the Wise Giving Alliance, Charity Navigator, and Charity Watch—that rate nonprofit organizations.

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Investing in Society

Charitable donors should think of themselves as “investors” and should expect returns, just like a stock market investor would.

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